Friday, 20 November 2020

A Life on the Ocean Wave

Having finished my Sea themed quilts for the Endeavourers after rather a long period of creative drought, I suddenly felt inspired again.  I do think that the sea, as a theme, offers up so many possibilities and I am going to keep going.   I've just finished another little quilt.

A Life on the Ocean Wave

Inspiration for this quilt came from an unusual source - my coffee pot!  I suddenly saw a beautiful wave, and an idea came into my head pretty much fully formed.  It is lovely when that happens.  

I had such fun making little silver fish out of the metal from tea lights (thanks to Fiona who used this metal for her beggars' tokens)

and seagulls out of modelling clay.

I've hung the quilt on a piece of driftwood

and am just waiting for a less wintry day so I can take even more photos.


  1. Thank you for your lovely comment! Yes, it is funny where inspiration suddenly strikes and the trains of thought it sets off :-)

  2. Oh fabulous!
    I saw this on Instagram first and had to come and read all about it here and on the Endeavourers!
    A very striking make, well done Catherine!
    Barbara xx

  3. Oh my word! This is so cool!! Very creative, and I adore the inspiration story. :)

  4. I think this is a wonderful quilt, as I said on The Endeavourers. I'm very glad you decided to keep on with this theme and I'll be looking out for more photos :)


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