Friday, 8 May 2015

Quilts for Nepal?

I received this by email and checked with Tikki that it was okay to post it here - just in case anyone has a spare quilt to send:-)   In my travelling days I went to Nepal - a beautiful and welcoming country, and it's just awful what has happened there.

From Tikki Patchwork in Kew Gardens

URGENT APPEAL FOR NEPALThrough my daughter's school we have managed to organise space on board a flight to Nepal next week on Wednesday - this is an amazing opportunity to help, but there is very little time!
The following items are needed:
Warm adult clothing
Blankets and Quilts
Tents and sleeping bags
If you can donate any of these items, please bring or post them to Tikki by Tuesday 12th May by 2pm and I will make sure they get to the collection point that afternoon in time for the aid flight.
Your help will no doubt be much appreciated!
Thank you in advance.
Tiina at Tikki
293 Sandycombe Road, Kew Gardens, West London (Surrey), TW9 3LU, England, UK

1 comment:

  1. Even worse now I'm reading it later :( Our school is doing some fundraising, but it all seems like a drop in the ocean for them.


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