Monday 16 February 2015

Spring in Scotland

From these frost ferns on my windscreen...

to this, in one week...


  1. The first is beautiful. I'd have sworn it was a piece of printed cloth if you hadn't said what it really is.

  2. I remember the bedroom windows looking like your first photo back in the 1950's! Lovely and it's been blue skies and sunshine here too today.

  3. Gorgeous photos, that first one is amazing. We've had quite a few blue skies, sunny days down here recently, they seem to make such a difference to all of us.

  4. OMG ... how amazing is Mother Nature !
    We, here in Canada, will have a little longer to wait before we see Spring again. Early Mon. morning it was -32C ... -8 now, in the middle of the afternoon ;)
    I am envious !

  5. Ahhh... beautiful images. We are still buried in snow in Massachusetts! Spring seems so far away so it's a treat to see photos like this!

  6. beautiful photos Catherine. Spring is a season of many season, isn't it ... or maybe it is still winter

  7. Oh my, the frosted ferns is a glorious photo! Looks as if Spring might be beginning to spring in your li'l corner of the world!

  8. A considerable change in a few days. The icy photo is gorgeous. And spring can't be far with the snowdrops in your garden.

  9. Ah Beautiful Scotland!! Gorgeous winter and spring photos!


  10. Such beautiful photos. Spring is so magical!

  11. The frost ferns are beautiful - future quilt, perhaps?

  12. And back again to the frost ferns here again today! - Ah spring...


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