Thursday 12 February 2015

Almost exactly a year ago [updated:  two years ago, I am even worse at UFOs than I thought!] I made this thing.

Although I really liked it I wasn't really sure what to do with it, so this is another thing that has been lurking in The Basket.  I am on a mission to finish things up, so as an experiment I sliced it up, inserted some linen in between the slices, added a bit more quilting, and some more linen round the edge.

Looking a bit dingy and wonky
I'm now wondering how to quilt the rest of it.  I think straight line quilting would be too dull, but if I do wavy line quilting would that just be too much wavy?

Why is it that whenever I'm in a state of indecision about a quilt I feel the urge to go and make myself a sandwich?


  1. What a brilliant thing to do, slicing that piece up! I think however you quilt it, it will be great.

  2. I'm no help when it comes to ideas, but I think it looks great sliced up.

  3. Good call! Chopping it up has made it a much stronger piece. It's got a feel of a view glimpsed through a window now - rolling hills or the sea maybe. I know almost nothing about machine quilting, but think I would try to find a way to use the quilting to emphasise that feel - sort of creating a frame?

  4. Ha ha. Since I'm not a quilter, I can't really offer any ideas, but I can relate to making sandwich as procrastination technique.

  5. Wow, what a difference some chopping makes! How about matchstick quilting?

  6. Hello! I just found your blog and your ''Slow blogger'' button. I grab it! I like it! I want to keep the fun blogging when I'm ready.

  7. I think it looked lovely before, but amazing now! Follow your instincts with the quilting 😄

  8. I love the way these pieces look like landscapes, like I don't think wavy lines would look too wavy, but you have a great sense for these things so I know you'll decide on the best solution.

  9. What gorgeous colours, I always love anything even slightly ocean related. And I don't think you can have too much waviness personally. But it is also saying lots of quilted fish shapes to me too, not quite sure how that would work, but there you go!

  10. Hi!!!! I really love it!!!! Does look like ocean waves to me!!!! Very pretty!!!!! I think wavy would be wonderful!!!!!


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