Monday 25 August 2014


At the moment all other projects are on hold because I am working on ideas for the 4th Artist's Trading Card Swap organised by Ali of Very Berry Handmade.

This is my first card for this swap - I have a few ideas and have volunteered to be a swap angel, so I will have to make at least two.  The theme is "Getting Away from it All" and this scene, which I also photographed for my blog header, is one of my favourite places to do that.  It shows the Bass Rock from the coast.

This is where I have got with it - I'm not sure whether to call it finished.

It is not quite as wonky as it looks from the photos but I had difficulty turning it and I think I may have to unpick it and go back to the drawing board.  Or maybe I have to learn not to be too much of a perfectionist!

Thought it might make you laugh you to see how shamefully messy I am.  The card is only 2.5 x 3.5 inches, but it took this to create it.

I am very happy to have been invited by Nesta of the lovely blog Ella and Nesta's Little Room to take part in a Round the World Blog Hop.  Each blogger on the hop writes a post answering some questions about their creative process and gives a mention to a handful of other blogs.  Nesta has her own Blog Hop post today - please check it out, and if you are visiting from there hello:-)   I'll be doing my own Hop post next Monday, so I hope you might come back and see what's going on here.


  1. I usually make the same amount of mess for some tiny craftwork too! Love the card and am sure your recipient will too.

  2. I like your card, wonky or not :-)

  3. I like your card, wonky or not :-)
    This is second attempt on posting this comment, see if it works...

  4. Love your trading card! I did three experiments before I decided... See you next Monday - I'm one of Nesta's other ones!

  5. It looks beautiful. I love how you created the texture of the water with all the different color fabrics and stitches. Lovely.

  6. For something that small, I'd call it perfect! Such a pretty view for someone to enjoy everyday!

  7. I agree with Martha - it really is beautiful. The sea always helps me to breathe deep and unwind - there is something about it - maybe just the vastness and the colour :-) Looking forward to reading your post next Monday - your creativity is amazing :-)

  8. Great result - and I've often wondered where your header photo was taken. It looks like a great beach.

  9. cute card. I love seeing your sketches and your very realistic work area.

  10. It's a great photo for your header and you have captured it perfectly on your stitched card Catherine, wow yes a lovely stitching mess going on there on your table, well done you, we all love to make mess xx

  11. I'm not that neat in the middle of a project either - I read somewhere that the messier the area, the more creative the mind!

  12. Your ATC is great. Your sewing rooms looks like our kitchen after we've been baking! x

  13. What a gorgeous card!!! I love how you sewn the little bird and the wonkiness is part of it's charm. So funny about how much mess it takes to create something so small, lol.

  14. Love your card, Catherine! Absolutely love the way you created the sea. I thought I was the only one who creates a lot of mess when working on even the smallest of projects. I call it "creative mess" and it helps me create. :-)

  15. I think it's fabulous and I also think you shouldn't unpick it and do it again - it's an ARTIST'S trading card, it's supposed to be hand made!

  16. I think its gorgeous, but that you should instead send it to me! No seriously - I think it is really lovely. I also think the smaller the item the bigger the mess, my workspace has pretty much looked like that for the 2 ATC's I made.


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