Thursday, 13 March 2014


I've temporarily reached a bit of an impasse.  Leaves quilt is progressing but I am having a small crisis of confidence.  I hope that quilting and the border I have planned will make sense of it.

I have also been working on a very small quilt for the Pantone challenge and have made a mistake in measuring a key piece and have cut it too short with no fabric to spare.   And it is not very exciting.  And it looks very similar to someone else's quilt.  And I'm not even convinced that the colour is Radiant Orchid enough!

This is not really a shameless trawl for validation, you are quite within your rights to send me a virtual kick in the pants if you like - I'm just wondering: what do you do in this situation, power on through, or move guilt-free onto something else?!

Slow Blog Linky Party will be here on the 15th (thank you to Moira for being our lovely hostess last month) - if you are a Slow Blogger feel free to join in!


  1. rHI!!!! Well it looks like radiant orchid to me!!!!! Maybe you could downsize it a little or rearrange and add another color in the mix!!!!! What ever you decide to do I am sure it will work out!!!!

  2. Generally when I muck something up I put it to one side until I can face it again. I think you are being too hard on yourself, it looks like radiant orchid to me too. It wouldn't be a challenge if it all went swimmingly :)

  3. Go a little round robin with it
    I'd work something up with triangles going from each side and turn the block on point and infill the corners and maybe add a thin strip of the coloured fabric to frame the block you've made first
    Sorry rambling a bit

  4. Send it to Ethne! While it looks just great to me, Ethne seems to have some nice ideas ;-) More seriously, stop doubting yourself, those leaves are superb! And don't judge yourself on what other people have done - especially me, as I've done nothing, even though I absolutely love radiant orchid!

  5. I'm with Fran here - I think both quilts are great. The radiant orchid one looks fine can you make the border a little narrower and if it has to be a specific size add another border in whatever fabric you have left? Colour looks fine to me and surely is open to interpretation anyway? AsCeltic Thistle says perhaps putting it to one side and doing something else altogether will do the trick?

  6. A thin (dark teal?) strip or piping around the white block might look nice then make the pieces surrounding it thinner. I like Ethne's ideas of it on point and adding some triangles somehow. But, of course, I don't know the rules of the challenge. And the leaf quilt is beautiful. Maybe you're just tired. I always hate my quilts before I go to bed and then like them again in the morning!

  7. I love your leaves! I think doubt is just a horrible but normal part of the process. And I can't tell how big your pantone project is. I think you could lose the corner (in fact all the corners!) and make it into a round cushion. I'm a bit obsessed with round cushions lately! Good luck in the contest whatever you decide to do with it :)

  8. Your leaves freaking rock! Re radiant, either trim down or go wild a la Maureen ^^

  9. Doubt is comfortably ensconced at my place, so I wouldn't dare offer any advice on your projects :) Personally I just drop things until inspiration strikes, sort of a "when I don't know, don't do anything" mantra, pushing through for me always ends up in a move I regret ;) Waiting can be frustrating though!
    Of course we are all different, so if a kick in the pants works for you, perhaps get out of other people's heads and back into your own, and go back to what YOUR purpose/goal was and is with each project- if you are meeting that, for you, then keep on going with your head held high :)

  10. Don't be too hard on yourself. Your leaves quilt is looking beautiful. I saw some of the quilts on Instagram and your mini quilt's colors are perfect for the challenge.
    I hope insipiration strikes and you fall back in love with your projects. I think they are both gorgeous.

  11. Your leaves quilt is absolutely stunning - it is going to be amazing :-) And the pantone quilt is definitely Radiant Orchid. I had lots of doubts when making mine but it finally came together in the end. Keep going :-)

  12. It's frustrating when things don't go as planned, but this often leads to happy accidents. How about adding little white triangles to the corners of the border to echo those in the centre of the block? Do something sneaky like that and no one will suspect it wasn't all part of your original design.

  13. Listened to a series of programmes last week about failure and how it's good for you - maybe you should feel empowered by this 'learning experience'... - but as you know, this non-quilter is always impressed by quilting, perfect or slightly eccentric :)

  14. Love the leaves, they're going to be amazing!! I have every faith that if you put the pantone quilt to one side for a bit, the inspiration will strike and you'll come up with something stunning!!

  15. colour looks right to me, but if you're not feeling it then move on without guilt. Life's too short!

  16. I love the mini so far - could you make little stars for the corners? Or one corner? Charlotte's right, though - if you don't like it, move on! You could quilt it and send it to Alison for the 'Soy Amado' block collection. I also love the leaf quilt - keep at it, if you feel like it! If not, put it in a cupboard for a few months!

  17. Leaf quilt is looking awesome. Sometimes, things don't go right, and it's okay to walk away and come back.

  18. Oh man I feel your pain on running short of fabric! The orchid piece is cute though and you totally could do something in the corners, if you were so inclined.

    The leaves quilt is beautiful - good idea Archie about putting it away to be worked on later.

    Good luck on your lovely projects, I'm sure the end result will be gorgeous! Don't give up. :)

    1. Hi Mimi Thanks for your lovely comment. Can't email you back because you are a no reply blogger but it's much appreciated:-)

  19. pretend it was cut short intentionally so you could add a tiny signature block

  20. I hear you...I love the leaf could turn one of the leaf upside down...just an idea.


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