Wednesday 29 January 2014

WIP Wednesday

I'm linking up with Lee today to share some more pictures of a current work in progress. All other WIPs have gone out of the window - is it just me that gets (slightly madly) smitten with something when it is going well, and hopelessly despondent when it isn't?

I'm a bit smitten with this one so apologies to those who get sick of seeing pictures of the same quilt!  Anyway...

If you have popped over from Lee's linky, I am in the process of handquilting this beast which I inadvertently made very large and couldn't manhandle too well through my sewing machine.

I am really happy with the crinkly effect my rustic (read novice) handquilting is giving it.  I quilted the triangles first, and am now just making my way round the sashed border.  It took an evening to get twice round and is very hard on the fingers!

While I decide how else to quilt the border I thought I would take a break to make the binding.  I've zizgagged and trimmed the edges, so they aren't going anywhere in the meantime.  I'd like to get some curves in the quilting but, because the triangles are not equilateral, I have to work out a way of doing it where the quilting works along the bottom and sides.

Could there be a quilt by Friday?!  If my fingers last up, maybe.


  1. personally I much prefer hand work anf feel it gives a softer finish xx take as long as you want.. and your finges can manage xx lol x UNLESS you are in a race xx

  2. Lovely quilt and I think the hand quilting adds a certain something rather than machine quilting it. Somehow to me a quilt should have a slightly homespun feel and the hand stitching adds just that. But it is hard work on the fingers I know!

  3. Wow, it is looking amazing! You're right to be smitten, it looks so snuggly and vintage.

  4. I am visiting from WIP Wednesday. You are amazing handquilting this. It will make it really soft and flexible. I love it

  5. I t's looking so lovely! I can't wait to see it finished :)

  6. I know it takes a certain type of patience to do the sort of needlework I do, but I am always in total awe of quilters - to have the vision, patience and dexterity to work on that scale is so impressive - love it!

  7. It´s so beautiful and the handquilting makes it even better!

  8. It's gorgeous Catherine! Hand quilting is hard to top, it's time consuming but, so worth it at the end...You are so courageous, I can't wait to see it when it's done.

  9. wow - you have been fast :-) I ended up needing a thimble when hand quilting as I was getting too much pain in my fingers :-(

  10. No wonder you're smitten! Those fabrics are just gorgeous. I was poking around your blog (on a visit from Freshly Pieced) and read about Fabric Trading. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm thinking it might be a fun way to de-stash!

  11. it looks amazing! I'd be totally engrossed, too. what a great combo of the JD prints and the triangle pattern with that bright border. love it.
    I've done a little bit of handquilting on two baby quilts. I always get my finger callus right about the time i'm done with the quilt! oh, the irony. =) good luck to your sore fingers.

  12. Looking good Catherine, hope you can say the same for your fingers by the time you are finished!

  13. oh I love the peek of the back and I like the white in with the pretty triangles :)

  14. I'm not surprised you're smitten with this quilt - the gorgeous zingy colours would cheer up the dreariest of days and this winter seems to be throwing plenty of those in our direction! Good luck with the race to the finish!

  15. Your quilting looks great on it, I love the colors and triangles! Great photos too.

  16. Aww it looks gorgeous. I like the rustic quilting - I'm sure mine would look far more rustic-y.

  17. That is so beautiful. I think hand-quilting really adds a lot! I just discovered your blog and I love it, too! Thanks for posting.


  18. This quilt is scrumptious. Love the colors and really like your quilting. I am a hand quilter and really prefer it to the machine. I am just old timey. I can’t wait to see it when you are finished. It is going to be one cozy treasure.

  19. I love the look that your hand quilting is adding to this beauty. Those fabrics really are just so cheery and bright!!

  20. This is so beautiful! I'm not surprised you're smitten with it :)


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