Saturday 12 October 2013

ATCs again

Another couple of cards for the Very Berry Handmade ATC swap.  I think I'm a bit obsessed and you might have to bear with me (or not) for a bit because I keep thinking of other ways to represent the theme of the swap, which is autumn.   I do have an excuse in that our car failed its MOT (the knell of financial doom for UK people) and I'm therefore on a fabric buying embargo.  These ATCs, at 2.5 x 3.5 inches, are fantastic for using up the tiniest of scraps - in this case Oakshott.


  1. Very clever! I am sure your recipient will love this. By the way, what does ATC stand for? I followed the link to the flickr pool but couldn't find it there either. Sorry - probably a dumb question.

  2. sorry about the car... but it has made you VERY creative with what you have xx

  3. Just goes to show what a few scraps can produce - along with a talented artist/crafter! Sorry about the car!

  4. Simply stunning Catherine.

    Hope your car news is brighter soon.

  5. These are fantastic, Catherine. Sorry to hear about your car, though.

  6. Catherine...Honestly, cars suck the lifeblood out of your wallet. Arrrgh! That being said, I adore your wine bottle and pumpkin ATC. Nothing makes me happier in the autumn than the sight of pumpkins. The sight of a glass of warming wine on a nippy day is not far behind on the happyometer! Happy Weekend from Maureen

  7. Oh dear, sorry about the car...but great postcards!

  8. That's a great obsession. I had to stop myself at number 5. Was going to make one with European Rowan tree but had a feeling that it was a bit too many for one swap, so I put it away. Glad you made one with my favourite tree. :-) Sorry to hear about your car.

  9. Sorry about your car... my cars was giving trouble a couple of months ago. Oh car trouble is not fun. But your postcards are fantastic! The one with the pumpkins is absolutely stunning and detailed. I love them both! Well done.

  10. so pretty!!!!!! They are amazing - the detail id great. Sorry about the car :-/

  11. shame about the car, I am on a temporary embargo at the minute too. Your ATCs are gorgeous, lucky recipient who gets this.

  12. Sorry about your car. Love your ATC - so seasonal.

  13. Those are fabulous! I particularly love the way you've stitched a reflection onto the bottle.

  14. Really love that leafy one especially! Cars! A necessary evil. Commiserations!


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