Sunday, 20 January 2013

"Can't think of a snappy title" post

This was the view in our local park yesterday. The photo is taken from the top of what was once a canon emplacement in the 16th Century.  The soldiers couldn't have imagined the families (including us) having fun sledging down the sides of it and building snowmen.

This morning it has all melted which was a bit sad though I suppose if you have been snowed in for the last few days you would be grateful!

Over the weekend I looked at what fabric I have for a quilt for Siblings Together, and thought it could be a good challenge to make something for a teenage girl.  Unfortunately, apart from being one once, a long time ago, I don't really have any experience of teenage girls (looking forward to this in a few years) but I thought my Joel Dewberry Aviary giveaway winnings from Rita would make something a little grown up.

I can't decide on a pattern as most of the prints are directional and I have only got as far as considering a checkerboard with white.  Also, though I think that the black and grey is vaguely goth-y, my husband's opinion was that mustard yellow might not appeal.  Any thoughts? I'd be so grateful.

Tiny happy mutant snowman


  1. I think many teenage girls would be thrilled to receive a quilt with these fabrics. Teenage girls are many and various with wide ranging tastes anyway. These are quite sophisticated and I'm sure will be loved. It'll be beautiful!

  2. PS Love the tiny mutant happy snowman! I miss snow!

  3. As your husband was never a teenage girl I would ignore his advice, if I were you Catherine and stick to your guns with the mustard yellow :)

  4. I think I would stick with the mustard yellow too, it is a great combination and I think for an older teenager would be great. I am we'll impressed by the snowman. We have 2 metres of snow here and we still can't make one bigger than that!

  5. I don't have much experience with teenage girls either. My closest was my sister and she loved black. I think your fabric choices are great and they mustard yellow is beautiful

  6. I have no experience of teenage girls other than once being one so my advice may be worth very little but I'm not sure to be honest. I say go with your heart - I'm sure I would have loved it as I just loved anything made for me so I guess I'm arguing against myself her! Whatever you make will be stunning I'm sure.

  7. If I'm absolutely honest - I wouldn't have liked those fabrics, they are too "pastel". But then maybe I wasn't a typical teenager (that time wasn't that long ago). Things I hated: pastel, baby blue, baby pink. Thigns I liked: bold, darkish bright red, navy blue, green and boiled corn yellow. Small stars yes - no roses or flowers (nothing kitsch).
    Well I'm still not too set on the combination. That is I wouldn't choose it for myself. I know (in my head) that it's a good combination and I guess I could appreciated the carftsmanship, but I would probably like it more because someone made it for me, than what it's actually made of.

  8. I know I'm late to comment, but being an authentic teenage girl I feel like I should contribute my two cents. I like the mustard yellow too. :)


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