Thursday 28 June 2012

Sashing Trials!

Trialling Stack of Coins with sand linen:

What do you think? Too much brown?

I had a really clear vision of what I wanted and now I'm not so certain.   I think I'll persevere with it - it's amazing the effect that quilting has in making things look right after all.  Actually, that's going to be the big question - how to quilt it, and in which colour(s) thread?  I love straight line quilting but I'd really like to do quite tight meandering loops so that it was just overall crinkly without the quilting being a particular feature.  My practice attempts at meandering loops have suggested that I have my work cut out...

On the Let's Get Acquainted Blog Hop today - please do visit:

Julie of Jolie Maxtin
Lori of Adventures in Fabric

Julie has a tutorial for bright and cheerful placemats, and Lori has a tutorial for a pot holder and oven mitt.  Ooh, love the fabric they have both chosen for their projects!


  1. I think the sashing looks great - very calm feel overall.

  2. if you like it then its great! YOU have to live with it xx Have fun with the quilting xx

  3. Like you, not sure about the sashing, but I suspect that the photo doesn't really do the sashing fabric justice, as it certainly doesn't look too brown. I think the problem with it for me is that it doesn't look too much of anything, but if you want calm then that is probably exactly the effect you are aiming for!

  4. I know I'm a little late and you already went with this color, but I love it. I think it's perfect...the colors remind me of a beach and the brown is the sand.

  5. I think it's just that it's not sewn and pressed yet, I'm looking forward to seeing it complete :)


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