Thursday 31 May 2012

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Siblings Together Quilts One and Two are now both labelled and posted off to the charity today.  Could it be that I haven't already posted hundreds of pictures of these quilts?:-)   I thought I'd post a couple more of Two, just so, this time, you get to see my toes braving the ridicule of a group of teenage girls while I tried not altogether successfully to do artistic...

This pic was taken by willing helper, Sprog 1

It's so difficult to take a beautiful shot of a quilt (well it is for me!)  Do you have an all-time favourite quilt photo - one of your own you're proud of, or someone else's?  This, by Katy Ginger Monkey,  is one of mine.  I think the combination of sumptious velveteen and concrete minimalism is utterly inspired.

Another couple of stops today on the Let's Get Acquainted blog hop -  Jodi from Tickle and Hide 
and Libby from Miss Beau Jangles  

Jodi makes beautiful children's clothes - like these linen pinnies - and lovely colourful quilts.  I'm looking forward to seeing her tutorial.    Check out Libby's New York Beauty quilt - and she has a great post and tutorial showing how she makes bead bags for the Beads of Courage charity.


  1. I love this photo by Jenny at In Color Order The contrast of the quilt and the snow are just lovely! I am afraid I am not brave enough to venture out in the snow to take photos of a quilt!

  2. Your top photo looks pretty successfully artistic to me!

    I also like alot of the photos on In Color Order. And I like this one from Cluck Cluck Sew where you don't see the whole quilt, but you can see how it drapes.


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